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Color iQC

For quality control and quality assurance.

Solution rich in quality control features

Ensuring accurate and consistent colors throughout the global supply chain can be a challenge, considering the risks and costs of process and procedural errors. Rest assured that the design intent will arrive at the final product when using the Color iQC software integrated with the quality control processes.

Enables strict tolerances to be achieved through connected solutions

Color iQC is configurable, task-based software that allows users to use configured templates for material and process analysis containing predefined tolerances, configurations and standards. With Color iQC, brands, suppliers and manufacturers can define instrument calibration and measurement modes, in addition to ensuring correct color measurement practices, regardless of location or software configuration.

From quality control to quality assurance

Color iQC analyzes why color errors happen, identifies the main indicators to enable adjustments to the process and ensures that the final products will meet expectations. In addition, it maintains complete audit traceability to improve communication throughout the supply chain, so that quality control professionals can prioritize production speed and efficiency, rather than color quality control.

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